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Why boundaries are important for Indigenous people in the workplace – CBC

Oct 30, 2023

‘Nobody really thinks about the emotional labour that’s involved’ in acting as de facto consultants

Sara Kae is one of three recipients of the 2023 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellowships, established to encourage Indigenous voices and better understanding of Indigenous issues in Canada’s major media and community outlets.

Danielle Morrison, a member of Anishinaabeg of Naongashiing in northwestern Ontario, says while in post-secondary education, she would find herself singled out during class discussions as the only Indigenous student in the classroom when topics surrounding colonization or missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls would arise.

She said it became taxing to educate those around her, even more so in workplace settings where she was already juggling her day-to-day duties. She did not feel it was fair for others to extract her knowledge and experience with no reciprocation, she said.

“I think when you’re just coming into the workforce, you’re even more vulnerable because you feel like you have to perform and you have to go along with what an authority person or superior is asking you,” said Morrison.

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