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B.C. and First Nations’ leaders gather to build relationships, advance reconciliation

Press Release

Jan. 21, 2025

VANCOUVER – First Nations’ leaders and provincial officials are coming together for the ninth B.C. cabinet and First Nations Leaders’ Gathering, where they will collaborate on ways to recognize, respect and advance government-to-government relationships.

Premier David Eby, together with Grand Chief Stewart Phillip; Chief Cheryl Casimer, First Nations Summit political executive; Regional Chief Terry Teegee; and Christine Boyle, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, opened the event on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. They are committed to creating new partnerships and building on the strong foundation of government-to-government relationships developed over the past seven years. This will help advance meaningful reconciliation in the province that upholds self-determination and creates opportunity for everyone in B.C.

Over two days, the gathering will provide dedicated space and time for new and returning provincial leaders to learn more about the priorities of individual First Nations at the community level. It also gives time for the Premier and cabinet ministers to share details about the new government’s priorities and ministerial commitments.

With more than 1,000 people representing more than 200 First Nations registered to attend, and more than 1,300 one-on-one meetings scheduled, this will be the busiest gathering to date. There will be opportunities for participants to join in plenary and discussion sessions on a variety of topics, such as new government commitments, a reflection on the 10-year anniversary of the Tŝilhqot’in Decision, climate action, children and families, repatriation and more.

The gathering is co-hosted and organized by the provincial government and the First Nations Leadership Council, which is comprised of the British Columbia Assembly of First Nations, the First Nations Summit and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs.


Premier David Eby —

“This gathering comes at a critical time. People in this province are facing big challenges – on affordability, housing, the toxic drug crisis and more – and these challenges are being felt acutely and disproportionately in First Nations communities. Our government knows the path to health, wellness and prosperity for all is through partnership with First Nations. We have done a lot of good work together, and my team and I are here to build on that strong foundation to continue delivering meaningful changes for people and communities on the ground.”

Regional Chief Terry Teegee, British Columbia Assembly of First Nations —

“The leadership gathering is an important opportunity for First Nations across the province to connect with provincial ministers to ensure that our priorities are upheld and implemented. We have seen important steps towards recognition of our inherent rights and title – and we need more collaborative work to fully implement the UN Declaration in partnership with the Province of B.C. The leadership gathering plays an important role in this incremental change. We also know that during these uncertain times, particularly in relation to U.S. trade, First Nations have an essential role to play in true collaborative governance and decision-making. Now more than ever, strengthening our government-to-government relations is vital for shared prosperity.”

Chief Cheryl Casimer, First Nations Summit political executive —

“The gathering provides an important opportunity for constructive dialogue about our collective work to implement the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (the Declaration Act) and to transform colonial institutions, processes and systems to advance reconciliation, decolonize the Crown-First Nation relationship, and stand up for First Nations’ inherent, constitutional and human rights. We have invested significant time in the past few years establishing new ways to work together with the Province on systemic change, through principled government-to-government relationships. While we have achieved some measured and innovative success, we still have a long way to go. It is critical that over the next four years, we maintain our commitment to redoubling these efforts to maintain our forward pathway of progress for the benefit of all. The legacy of our work will be reconciliation, peaceful and sophisticated co-existence and prosperity for future generations.”

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Union of BC Indian Chiefs President —

“First Nations and the Province of B.C. have an incredible opportunity to effect significant change and improvements over the next four years of this government – the 2025 First Nations Leaders’ Gathering is our first marker. The provincial government committed to implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples through the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, and we are looking forward to innovative and bold conversations over the next two days on implementation of our inherent and constitutionally protected title and rights. With 15 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, I am also well aware that we must work together to seriously address the climate emergency and ensure we are doing absolutely everything in our collective power to stop global warming, and that must be considered throughout our conversations.”

Christine Boyle, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation —

“Reconciliation and strong government-to-government relationships with First Nations continue to be an important priority for government, across all ministries. The First Nations Leaders’ Gathering is an opportunity for us to renew those important relationships. In British Columbia, partnerships with First Nations are the path to a strong economy, meeting our climate goals and building a good life for all of us across the province. I’m looking forward to continuing to make real progress on reconciliation through partnerships that will benefit everyone in B.C.”

Learn More:

For more information about the First Nations Leaders’ Gathering, visit:

To learn more about reconciliation in action, visit:

To read the Declaration Act online:

BC Assembly of First Nations:

First Nations Summit:

Union of BC Indian Chiefs:


Office of the Premier
Media Relations

Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Media Relations
250 893-2028

Annette Schroeter
Communications Officer
BC Assembly of First Nations
778 281-1655

Colin Braker
Communication Director
First Nations Summit
604 328-4094

Grand Chief Stewart Phillip
Union of BC Indian Chiefs
250 490-5314


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