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Featured Video of the Week: Manitobah Mukluks – Small Business of the Year 2014

Credits: CAMSC

Published on Oct 30, 2014
Ms Waneek Horn Miller, Brand Ambassador
CAMSC Business Achievement Awards 2014

Manitobah Mukluks, is an Aboriginal–owned company, whose vision is to build a vibrant global brand that makes a significant impact in Aboriginal communities. Founded in 1997 by Sean McCormick, this Winnipeg-based footwear company has taken traditional mukluks and moccasins and adapted them for modern wear.

Along with Aboriginal hiring practices and capacity building programs, Manitobah launched the Storyboot Project in 2011. This initiative aims to revive the traditional arts by creating partnerships with elders and artisans who fashion mukluks and moccasins the traditional way. For every Storyboot sold, the artist receives 100% of the profits. The success of the Storyboot Project has also lead to a Storyboot School where artists pass on the timeless skill of crafting Aboriginal footwear by hand……Read Full Story.

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