Press Release
December 11, 2024
On December 6, 2024, TteS Chief and Council participated in governance training session led by Dan George. As we explored the vast topic of First Nations governance, we explore many important themes and leading principles such as ethics, effective leadership, and accountability. The discussions were full of learning from one another as well as sharing perspectives that are specifically relevant to TteS and our goals as a community and organization. By working with one another, we deepen our understanding and strengthen our shared commitment to working together in a good way. Aligning and being guided by our Secwépemc values will always be at the forefront of our collective approach to leadership.
By grounding our efforts in strategic and succession planning, we ensure that our actions are aligned with long-term goals and the well-being of our community. This training reinforced our dedication to fostering a governance structure that reflects our values and supports our people. Together, we move forward with a renewed focus on collaboration, trust, and the shared vision of a strong and resilient future.