Anishinabek Nation Health Conference Coordinator
The Anishinabek Nation Health Conference Coordinator, with support from the Anishinabek Nation Health Conference Steering Committee, is responsible for the planning and execution of the 2023 Anishinabek Nation Health Conference.
The Anishinabek Nation will be hosting its 8th Annual Health Conference on January 17-19, 2023 in Sault Ste. Marie, ON at the Quattro Hotel and Conference Centre. The event will host a maximum of 150 participants, plus political and health leadership, keynote speakers and workshop presenters.
The required services are:
The Anishinabek Nation Health Conference Steering Committee will work closely with the Coordinator and provide approvals, support services and direction as required.
Total budget for this project should not exceed $15,000. Travel expenses to and from the event will be covered by the organization in accordance with the UOI travel rates.
To ensure your proposal is considered for evaluation, it must include the following:
Cover Letter
Proposed Project Plan
Costs and Charges
All inquiries about this request for proposals should be directed to:
Jamie Restoule, Health Director
Telephone: 1-705-497-9127
Toll Free: 1-877-702-5200
Upon closing, proposals will be reviewed for completeness. Only completed proposals will be brought forward to the selection committee for further consideration and a final decision.
Eligible proposals will be evaluated based on the response guidelines in section 5.0.
The selection committee will be appointed by the Health Director.
Proponents may be required to participate in an interview prior to awarding the contract.
The Anishinabek Nation (AN) reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal deemed most favorable to the interests of the AN and its partners.
The AN reserves the right to seek clarification and supplementary information from proponents after the submission deadline.
Proponents will be notified in writing once a selection has been made.
The AN will enter into a contractual agreement with the preferred proponent. The AN, at any time, and without liability, may withdraw from negotiations of a contract with any potential proponent.
The successful proponent will be required to comply with the AN’s COVID-19 directives and policies. The successful proponent will be provided copies of all applicable directives and policies prior to the completion of contract negotiations.
As a potential supplier of these professional services, you are invited to submit a proposal to provide professional 3rd party contractor services in accordance with the terms and conditions detailed in this document.
Please submit your proposal to the attention of Jamie Restoule, Health Director by:
Fax to: (705) 497-9135 OR
Email to:
Closing Date and Time: Proposals must be received by December 12, 2022, at 4:00pm.
Proposals received after the closing time will not be considered.
Project Completion: The project completion deadline is January 31, 2023.
11.1 The Anishinabek Nation (AN) will not be responsible for any costs incurred by a proponent in preparing and submitting proposals. The AN accepts no liability of any kind to a proponent prior to the signing of a contract.
11.2 Submissions of a proposal shall not obligate, nor should it be construed as obligating the AN, to accept any such proposal, or to proceed further with the project. The AN may, in their sole discretion, elect not to proceed with the project, and may elect not to accept any, or all proposals for any reason.
11.3 A proponent may amend or withdraw their proposal prior to the closing date and time specified in the request for proposals by way of written notice to the AN.
11.4 Proposals submitted shall be final and may not be altered by subsequent offerings, discussions, or commitments, unless the proponent is requested to do so by the AN.
11.5 The proponent must identify any information in its proposal that it considers to be confidential or proprietary.
11.6 All proposals and accompanying documentation received under this competition will become the property of the AN, and will not be returned.
11.7 The AN has reserved the right to waive minor non-compliance by a proponent with the requirements of the RFP. This will allow the AN to consider and possibly accept, any proposal which is advantageous, even though the proposal may be non-compliant in some minor respect.
11.8 The AN reserves the right to accept or reject, in whole or in part, any and all proposals.
13.9 The AN reserves the right to cancel and/or re-issue this request for proposals at any time, for any reason, without penalty.
11.10 Prices quoted are to be held firm for a minimum of 90 days following the RFP closing date, and shall remain in effect through the duration of an agreement.
11.11 The proponent’s proposal shall form part of the contractual agreement by attachment, and will be incorporated for reference. Claims made in the proposal shall constitute contractual warranties. Any provision in the proposal may be included in the contractual agreement as direct provisions thereof.
11.12 Where applicable, the successful proponent agrees to obtain and maintain all professional certification and licenses necessary to lawfully provide the services required under this request for proposal.
11.13 By submitting a proposal, the proponent agrees and acknowledges that it will provide for the duration of the project, the full complement of staff required to perform the work of the project, including the specific individuals identified in its proposal. These key personnel shall remain assigned for the duration of the project unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the AN. In the event the proponent wishes to substitute any key personnel, the individual(s) proposed must demonstrate similar qualifications and experience as required, to successfully perform such duties.
11.14 Intellectual property and any data associated with this project is the express property of the AN