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Special Chiefs Assembly 2023: Human Resource Investigation Report

Special Chiefs Assembly 2023: Human Resource Investigation Report

About the Event Virtual – Special Chiefs Assembly (SCA) Human Resource Investigation Report

This SCA is solely dedicated to fulfilling the mandate of AFN Resolution 03/2023 Investigation and Audit of AFN’s Financial and Management Policies, which includes reporting to First Nations-in-Assembly on the findings of a human resources investigation led by an independent investigator and the holding of a Special Chiefs Assembly to address the implications of the investigation involving the AFN National Chief and AFN staff.

This notification serves the purpose of providing Notice pursuant to Article 22 of the AFN Charter that this Special Chiefs Assembly is being convened to determine an appropriate remedy, if any, resulting from the HR investigation which may include, but is not limited to, the removal of the National Chief from office.

The AFN Charter authorizes the First Nations-in-Assembly to make binding decisions on corrective and remedial disciplinary measures in respect of any member of the AFN Executive Committee. Upon review of the HR investigation reports, the AFN Executive Committee has recommended that the First Nations-in-Assembly remove National Chief RoseAnne Archibald from office.

Draft Agenda

Find out how to register.

Registration Now

Only Chiefs, Registered Proxies and Invited Guests may register to participate for this virtual Assembly.

Registration Process

  • Please note that this is a VIRTUAL SPECIAL CHIEFS ASSEMBLY. Access to a computer with high-speed internet will be required.
  • Zoom polling will be used to vote on procedural motions:
    • Approve and adopt the agenda;
    • Approve and adopt the rules of procedure
  • All other voting will be conducted using Simply Voting.
  • To cast a vote as a registered Chief or proxy, you will need your status card number (or equivalent) and pin code.
  • Registered Chiefs and proxies will receive an email from Simply Voting prior to the SCA that will include their voting pin code.
  • We encourage you to register early so that the appropriate steps can be taken to record your votes.

* For Security reasons we ask that you DO NOT send photo identification via email. Please upload through our on-line registration system or contact  for further assistance.

Voting Members

  • Chiefs and Proxies will be required to upload Government Issued Photo Identification.
  • Chiefs and Proxies will be required to provide a Status Card Number (or equivalent), email address and phone number. This information will be used for authentication purposes for the Special Chiefs Assembly.
  • Proxies will need to upload a Proxy letter signed by the Chief.
  • Please download the Proxy letter template.
  • Chiefs and Proxies will be emailed a Zoom link (private link for Chiefs and Proxies ONLY) prior to the SCA.

Invited Guests

A person may register as a guest if they have been officially invited to the Session by the National Chief, Executive Council, Chief, or Proxy for the purpose of technical support. A registration access code is required to complete the registration process. Chiefs and Proxies have been sent the access codes to provide to their invited guests. If you have not received your registration access code, please contact your Chief or Proxy.

  1. Use this link to register: SCA Registration Link.
  2. You will be prompted to enter the code given to you by your Chief or Proxy. This code is used for authentication purposes during the Special Chiefs Assembly.
  1. Enter the code provided by your First Nations Chief, Proxy, or representative for authentication purposes during the Special Chiefs Assembly.
  1. Before the SCA, you will receive a viewing-only Zoom webinar link via email.

If you didn’t receive an email or have trouble finding your code, please contact your Chief or Proxy.


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