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Statement from Premier Redford

Jan 31, 2014

A statement from Premier Redford following the U.S. State Department’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement:

“We welcome the State Department’s thorough environmental analysis of the Keystone XL pipeline project.

“The findings are consistent with the analysis Alberta has put on the table in our various face-to-face meetings with key decision makers in Washington and our submissions made on this important file. I’m pleased that by respecting and actively participating in the process, our input has been accepted and understood.

“It also recognizes Alberta’s progressive environmental initiatives which position our province as leader in responsible energy development. There is no doubt that Alberta’s commitment to environmental management firmly positions us as the safest, most secure and responsible energy supplier to the U.S.

“The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement is an important step toward approval of a pipeline that will build our economic partnership with our friends in the U.S. and help foster North American energy security and independence.

“We have been clear that opening new markets is job one for our government, as it will ensure fairer prices for the resources every Albertan owns, allowing us to invest in building a stronger, more secure Alberta.

“Alberta has always respected the U.S. decision-making process and we expect the President’s final decision will be based on science and fact, as confirmed in today’s Final Environmental Impact Statement.”

Under the Building Alberta Plan, our government is investing in families and communities, living within our means, and opening new markets for Alberta’s resources to ensure we’re able to fund the services Albertans told us matter most to them. We will continue to deliver the responsible change Albertans voted for.

Related information:
U.S. State Department’s Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
Premier Redford welcomes Keystone XL progress

Media inquiries:
Neala Barton
Office of the Premier

Derek Cummings
Press Secretary, International and Intergovernmental Relations


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